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Cat® Seals Information And Installation. SEALS - METAL FACE SEALS. Video: Duo-Cone™ Seals. Download: Cat Seals Introduction. Design Information. Seal Group Size Options. Official patch 9 6 gp40x 3. Seal Ring Material Options. Load Ring Materials Options. Lubrication Requirements. Thorough Testing Highest Quality. Idler seal guards help keep wire, fishing line, strapping, etc., from wrapping around and damaging the Duo-Cone seals. This design offers superior protection to the seal. Debris would have to make four 90 degree turns, penetrate the packing material, and then make two additional 90 degree turns. Section 4-1 DUO-CONE SEAL INSTALLATION. Author: HyperGEAR TIFF/PDF Convert Library Created Date: 4304Z.

Cat duo cone seal installer
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Cat Duo Cone Seal Installer

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Cat Duo Cone Seal Installer
  • Notes to Presenter: This module was designed to streamline sales presentation development time using PowerPoint. Referring to the content list below, plot out the topics that will be of most benefit and hide the other screens. To do this using the slide sorter view, click on each slide you want to drop, then right-click HIDE SLIDE. With your new slide arrangement complete, click on SAVE AS from the FILE menu above and rename your presentation to create your revised presentation. You may then add slides specific to your presentation, such as title slides using the client’s name, machine pricing, dealer service/support capabilities, MARC details, etc. Overview Manufacturing Specifications Features & Benefits Safety, Health & Environment Equipping Productivity Serviceability Product Support Questions
  • Sales for the initial model 793 were 51 … for the 793B, a total of 505 units were sold … and for the 793C, there were over 1,050 units sold through September 2004. Throughout this evolution, continuous design improvements have occurred in the following areas: Performance (2,160 hp  2,300 hp  2,415 hp) Durability Reliability Serviceability Operator comfort Production (speed & payload)
  • The 793D offers five different power train arrangements to best match the unit to the design of the mine and provide the lowest cost per ton. This allows us to provide customers with performance enhancements of real value without burdening the truck with needless additional weight and cost.
  • A primary driver of cost per ton is horsepower, since it reduces cycle time. Most 793D customers can benefit from an increased net power to the ground of up to 9% over the 793C. This has been achieved with a gross engine power increase of 5% and a net system efficiency improvement of up to 4%. Those customers who can’t take advantage of the additional horsepower offered by the 793D can still benefit from fuel savings due to the added drive train efficiency. Along with increased system power, the transmission and power train have been improved to prevent erosion of life. The main changes are a move to continuous rear axle filtration, rather than the ground driven system. This provides improvements in cleanliness of oil similar to the benefits of kidney looping, which has been used at some mines for many years. Improved filtration has the potential to significantly improve power train life.
  • The extended life wheel group option includes new front and rear wheel groups. This slide focuses on the rear wheel group. Maintenance cost is a significant portion of cost per ton and wheel groups can be a substantial portion of total maintenance cost. To gain a significant life improvement, the 793D offers an Extended Life Wheel Group (XLWG) arrangement. Improvements to the bearings and the spindle will yield increases in rear wheel station life. The expected increase will vary depending on application. XLWG will result in longer component life. This equates to a reduction in maintenance cost per hour. As a rule of thumb, you can expect one less overhaul over the life of the truck. [ Reference MARC consultant for expectation by application. ] This reduction in cost per hour is offset by a decrease in payload of 1633 kg (3,600 lb) Depending on the purchase criteria (cost/hour, cost/ton, discounted cost/ton, NPV, etc.), this option may or may not appeal to customers. Additional technical information: Wheel bearing spacing has been increased. The larger bearings are closer to the tire centrelines for better load distribution. The spindle diameter has been increased and there is a larger spline on the spindle. This reduces stress from the final drive torque at the reaction hub and improves component life. The brake anchor is splined rather than bolted to spindle for reduced rebuild cost. The brake simply slides on to the spindle - assembly is much faster than the bolt-on brake of the 793C. The larger spline in the brakes reduces stress on the brake disc teeth especially in heavy braking or retarding. Final drive is identical on Standard and XLWG, bearings are high capacity (first reduction), and gears have improved geometry. XLWG can take either 29-inch or 32-inch rims without modification. However a new 32-inch rim is required.
  • As with the rear wheel group, the extended life front wheel group benefits from a larger spindle, larger wheel bearings, wider wheel bearing spacing and a spline-on brake group. All of which contributes to reduced cost per hour. The brake oil flow has been reversed. The oil now flows from outer to inner diameter. This reduces the pressure on the duo-cone seal because of the pressure drop across the plates and discs. The shape of the wheel and positioning of the duo-cone seal mean it is better protected from accumulated mud and debris. The design also results in less deflection in the area of the seal. Both these factors contribute to preventing duo-cone seal leaks. A new bottom-mount steering arm design is used on the Extend Life Wheel Group as well as on the Extra Top Speed, Extra Retarding, and High Altitude Arrangements. For the 793D Standard Arrangement, the steering arms remain unchanged from the 793C, and continue to be bolted onto the spindle assembly using a side-mount design. With the side mount steering arm, the spindle could theoretically be used in either LH or RH configuration because there is a bolt pattern on both the front and rear sides of the spindle. However in practice, the exposed bolt-holes would typically fill with muck, corrode and be unusable. With the new bottom mount steering arm, all the bolt holes are used. The Extended Life wheel group can be rebuilt and easily configured for LH or RH use simply by orienting the bottom mount steering arm as desired. This provides more flexibility. On the standard 793D wheel group (as per the 793C) there is a separate dedicated strut retainer. On the extended life wheel group, the bottom mount steering arm serves a dual purpose of retaining the strut. This reduces parts and complexity.
  • An additional downhill retarding attachment is available to reduce CPT by increasing down hill speed. Customers with a high percentage of hauls that are long, downhill, and loaded will see a tremendous advantage in cost per ton with this attachment. Faster downhill speeds generate more heat in the braking system. This arrangement allows faster speeds due to: 29% higher brake surface area than the standard wheel group. This keeps the braking hp/in 2 below acceptable limits. Increased heat rejection. - larger fan (84 inches compared to 78 inches) - higher capacity cooling system with additional cooler and higher oil flow This attachment provides approximately 35% increase in speed (one additional gear) during retarding compared with the 793C. With this attachment, a downhill run taking 15 minutes is reduced to 11 minutes. A 40 cycle per day customer could see three to five extra cycles per day.
  • As of June 1, 2005, the worldwide fleet of 793, 793B, and 793C models shipped totals over 1600 units – consisting of 36% of units in the United States and Canada … 34% of units in Latin America … 2% of units throughout Europe, the Middle East and Africa … and 28% of units in Asia Pacific, including Indonesia and Australia. Some of these may no longer be active.
  • The 793D is wholly designed by Caterpillar. What’s more, the machine is not only assembled at Caterpillar, but it’s major components are manufactured at Cat factories to maintain high quality standards. From the engine block, cast at the Cat Foundry in Mapleton, Illinois… to the engine machining and assembly at the Large Engine Plant in Lafayette, Indiana … Caterpillar even makes their own injectors, at the Fuel Systems Plant in Pontiac, Illinois. Major drive train components are manufactured at the East Peoria Plant, located across the river from the Caterpillar World Headquarters. The frame and final assembly takes place at the Decatur Plant. No other truck manufacturer offers this kind of complete continuity from design to manufacturing to assembly like Caterpillar. For the customer, this creates a single point of contact and accountability, rather than competing truck manufacturers who rely on co-development arrangements with different manufacturers for wheel motors, engines, transmissions, and electronic components. Although designed in Decatur, the bodies are manufactured on three continents to better supply customers worldwide. Caterpillar Mexico supplies North and South America; Caterpillar Melbourne supplies the bodies for Australia, and Caterpillar Africa (Boksburg) supplies truck bodies for Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.
  • Having complete design control over the entire 793D sets Caterpillar apart from other truck manufacturers whose engines, electric propulsion systems, and electronic control systems are purchased from outside vendors. Every item on the 793D, excluding the tires, is warranted and supported by Caterpillar and the Caterpillar dealer network. From a performance and durability perspective, the developmental effort begins at the Caterpillar Tech Center. With 2,000 employees and over 19 acres under roof, Caterpillar has research and development resources dedicated to engine, electronics, machining, fabrication, advanced materials, logistics and assembly research and development. The Caterpillar mining truck design team utilizes these resources in order to ensure we make best use of available and new technology to continuously drive down haulage cost per ton. Centralized design control allows the truck to be optimized as a system rather than individual components as would be the case for other truck manufacturers using third party engine and propulsion system suppliers. Cross-functional design teams ensure the perfect integration of all systems. Design teams across the company are using common engineering design software platforms such as ProE and common analytical software. Communication within Caterpillar is open and streamlined since there is no need to guard proprietary information internally with confidentiality clauses. Test and Validation - Prior to taking a mining truck to market, Caterpillar uses the advanced facilities of the Tucson Proving Grounds in Arizona, USA to carry out testing. Full time test engineers support this 6,200 acre facility. These facilities are continually used throughout the life of a given model to provide for continuous improvement and problem resolution. Caterpillar typically places field follow or field development trucks into active real world mining applications under special commercial terms. In the case of the 793D, Caterpillar placed a number of units into a variety of applications in order to gain practical experience and customer feedback that could not be gained at Caterpillar’s proving grounds alone. Test units were operated in Arizona (deep pit, ambient conditions), Minnesota (long, high speed hauls), and Colorado (high altitude, long downhill hauls).
  • In the Features & Benefits section, we’ll discuss what’s under the skin that makes the 793D a true class leader, starting with the frame and ROPS, we’ll then look at the suspension, hydraulics, power train, cooling system, brakes and retarding, the operator station, system integration, bodies and liners, and finally tires & rims.
  • 6 Sigma can be defined as the quest for perfection through the disciplined use of fact-based, data-driven decision making. 6 Sigma is the way the company now takes the collective intelligence and abilities of Cat employees, dealers and suppliers, and channels them to the highest priorities to satisfy all stakeholders. Launched in January of 2001, 6 Sigma uses a set of strategies, statistics and methods to improve the processes Cat uses everyday. This includes everything from designing to manufacturing a product, as well as from marketing products and services to providing business information to our internal and external customers. 6 Sigma touches all areas at Caterpillar, transforming how people work -- and what they work on -- as the company strives for near perfection in every process. To date, 6 Sigma has contributed cost savings, increased operating efficiencies, and quality improvements throughout the company and its product line. The DMEDI methodology stands for Define (a well-defined charter detailing the project goals) – Measure (design requirements as they relate to the charter) – Explore (multiple solution alternatives before choosing the most promising concept) – Develop (detailed designs of all elements) – Implement.
  • Increasing the 793D system power also requires additional cooling. Replacing the angled fins of the folded core radiator is the New Generation Modular Radiator with serpentine fins. For a given air draw, the new radiator provides more heat rejection due to greater surface area for heat exchange…greater cooling density. The new generation radiator is modular and has been developed for use with a 78” fan as standard, and an 84” fan for trucks with the Extra Retarding or HAA arrangement. The fan is hydraulically driven and operates on demand. The modular design also reduces removal & installation time because the stairway, cowling, radiator, fan and fan motor remove together as a single unit. This reduces R&I time from 7.5 to 2.5 man-hours.
  • 6 Sigma can be defined as the quest for perfection through the disciplined use of fact-based, data-driven decision making. 6 Sigma is the way the company now takes the collective intelligence and abilities of Cat employees, dealers and suppliers, and channels them to the highest priorities to satisfy all stakeholders. Launched in January of 2001, 6 Sigma uses a set of strategies, statistics and methods to improve the processes Cat uses everyday. This includes everything from designing to manufacturing a product, as well as from marketing products and services to providing business information to our internal and external customers. 6 Sigma touches all areas at Caterpillar, transforming how people work -- and what they work on -- as the company strives for near perfection in every process. To date, 6 Sigma has contributed cost savings, increased operating efficiencies, and quality improvements throughout the company and its product line. The DMEDI methodology stands for Define (a well-defined charter detailing the project goals) – Measure (design requirements as they relate to the charter) – Explore (multiple solution alternatives before choosing the most promising concept) – Develop (detailed designs of all elements) – Implement.
  • 6 Sigma can be defined as the quest for perfection through the disciplined use of fact-based, data-driven decision making. 6 Sigma is the way the company now takes the collective intelligence and abilities of Cat employees, dealers and suppliers, and channels them to the highest priorities to satisfy all stakeholders. Launched in January of 2001, 6 Sigma uses a set of strategies, statistics and methods to improve the processes Cat uses everyday. This includes everything from designing to manufacturing a product, as well as from marketing products and services to providing business information to our internal and external customers. 6 Sigma touches all areas at Caterpillar, transforming how people work -- and what they work on -- as the company strives for near perfection in every process. To date, 6 Sigma has contributed cost savings, increased operating efficiencies, and quality improvements throughout the company and its product line. The DMEDI methodology stands for Define (a well-defined charter detailing the project goals) – Measure (design requirements as they relate to the charter) – Explore (multiple solution alternatives before choosing the most promising concept) – Develop (detailed designs of all elements) – Implement.
  • Continuous filtration is best demonstrated under the microscope. Bearings that operated at 1200-hour oil change intervals show pitting caused by lack of proper lubrication when they were pulled and inspected after 13,000 hours. Vehicles using kidney looping of the rear axle maintained better lubrication, even when oil changes were extended to a 4000-hour PM schedule. After 18,000 hours, the bearings show no pitting and almost no appreciable wear. Continuous filtration was first used on the 797, from first introduction in 1998, and is now standard on the 793D.
  • 6 Sigma can be defined as the quest for perfection through the disciplined use of fact-based, data-driven decision making. 6 Sigma is the way the company now takes the collective intelligence and abilities of Cat employees, dealers and suppliers, and channels them to the highest priorities to satisfy all stakeholders. Launched in January of 2001, 6 Sigma uses a set of strategies, statistics and methods to improve the processes Cat uses everyday. This includes everything from designing to manufacturing a product, as well as from marketing products and services to providing business information to our internal and external customers. 6 Sigma touches all areas at Caterpillar, transforming how people work -- and what they work on -- as the company strives for near perfection in every process. To date, 6 Sigma has contributed cost savings, increased operating efficiencies, and quality improvements throughout the company and its product line. The DMEDI methodology stands for Define (a well-defined charter detailing the project goals) – Measure (design requirements as they relate to the charter) – Explore (multiple solution alternatives before choosing the most promising concept) – Develop (detailed designs of all elements) – Implement.
  • 6 Sigma can be defined as the quest for perfection through the disciplined use of fact-based, data-driven decision making. 6 Sigma is the way the company now takes the collective intelligence and abilities of Cat employees, dealers and suppliers, and channels them to the highest priorities to satisfy all stakeholders. Launched in January of 2001, 6 Sigma uses a set of strategies, statistics and methods to improve the processes Cat uses everyday. This includes everything from designing to manufacturing a product, as well as from marketing products and services to providing business information to our internal and external customers. 6 Sigma touches all areas at Caterpillar, transforming how people work -- and what they work on -- as the company strives for near perfection in every process. To date, 6 Sigma has contributed cost savings, increased operating efficiencies, and quality improvements throughout the company and its product line. The DMEDI methodology stands for Define (a well-defined charter detailing the project goals) – Measure (design requirements as they relate to the charter) – Explore (multiple solution alternatives before choosing the most promising concept) – Develop (detailed designs of all elements) – Implement.
  • 6 Sigma can be defined as the quest for perfection through the disciplined use of fact-based, data-driven decision making. 6 Sigma is the way the company now takes the collective intelligence and abilities of Cat employees, dealers and suppliers, and channels them to the highest priorities to satisfy all stakeholders. Launched in January of 2001, 6 Sigma uses a set of strategies, statistics and methods to improve the processes Cat uses everyday. This includes everything from designing to manufacturing a product, as well as from marketing products and services to providing business information to our internal and external customers. 6 Sigma touches all areas at Caterpillar, transforming how people work -- and what they work on -- as the company strives for near perfection in every process. To date, 6 Sigma has contributed cost savings, increased operating efficiencies, and quality improvements throughout the company and its product line. The DMEDI methodology stands for Define (a well-defined charter detailing the project goals) – Measure (design requirements as they relate to the charter) – Explore (multiple solution alternatives before choosing the most promising concept) – Develop (detailed designs of all elements) – Implement.
  • 6 Sigma can be defined as the quest for perfection through the disciplined use of fact-based, data-driven decision making. 6 Sigma is the way the company now takes the collective intelligence and abilities of Cat employees, dealers and suppliers, and channels them to the highest priorities to satisfy all stakeholders. Launched in January of 2001, 6 Sigma uses a set of strategies, statistics and methods to improve the processes Cat uses everyday. This includes everything from designing to manufacturing a product, as well as from marketing products and services to providing business information to our internal and external customers. 6 Sigma touches all areas at Caterpillar, transforming how people work -- and what they work on -- as the company strives for near perfection in every process. To date, 6 Sigma has contributed cost savings, increased operating efficiencies, and quality improvements throughout the company and its product line. The DMEDI methodology stands for Define (a well-defined charter detailing the project goals) – Measure (design requirements as they relate to the charter) – Explore (multiple solution alternatives before choosing the most promising concept) – Develop (detailed designs of all elements) – Implement.
  • 6 Sigma can be defined as the quest for perfection through the disciplined use of fact-based, data-driven decision making. 6 Sigma is the way the company now takes the collective intelligence and abilities of Cat employees, dealers and suppliers, and channels them to the highest priorities to satisfy all stakeholders. Launched in January of 2001, 6 Sigma uses a set of strategies, statistics and methods to improve the processes Cat uses everyday. This includes everything from designing to manufacturing a product, as well as from marketing products and services to providing business information to our internal and external customers. 6 Sigma touches all areas at Caterpillar, transforming how people work -- and what they work on -- as the company strives for near perfection in every process. To date, 6 Sigma has contributed cost savings, increased operating efficiencies, and quality improvements throughout the company and its product line. The DMEDI methodology stands for Define (a well-defined charter detailing the project goals) – Measure (design requirements as they relate to the charter) – Explore (multiple solution alternatives before choosing the most promising concept) – Develop (detailed designs of all elements) – Implement.
  • 6 Sigma can be defined as the quest for perfection through the disciplined use of fact-based, data-driven decision making. 6 Sigma is the way the company now takes the collective intelligence and abilities of Cat employees, dealers and suppliers, and channels them to the highest priorities to satisfy all stakeholders. Launched in January of 2001, 6 Sigma uses a set of strategies, statistics and methods to improve the processes Cat uses everyday. This includes everything from designing to manufacturing a product, as well as from marketing products and services to providing business information to our internal and external customers. 6 Sigma touches all areas at Caterpillar, transforming how people work -- and what they work on -- as the company strives for near perfection in every process. To date, 6 Sigma has contributed cost savings, increased operating efficiencies, and quality improvements throughout the company and its product line. The DMEDI methodology stands for Define (a well-defined charter detailing the project goals) – Measure (design requirements as they relate to the charter) – Explore (multiple solution alternatives before choosing the most promising concept) – Develop (detailed designs of all elements) – Implement.
  • 6 Sigma can be defined as the quest for perfection through the disciplined use of fact-based, data-driven decision making. 6 Sigma is the way the company now takes the collective intelligence and abilities of Cat employees, dealers and suppliers, and channels them to the highest priorities to satisfy all stakeholders. Launched in January of 2001, 6 Sigma uses a set of strategies, statistics and methods to improve the processes Cat uses everyday. This includes everything from designing to manufacturing a product, as well as from marketing products and services to providing business information to our internal and external customers. 6 Sigma touches all areas at Caterpillar, transforming how people work -- and what they work on -- as the company strives for near perfection in every process. To date, 6 Sigma has contributed cost savings, increased operating efficiencies, and quality improvements throughout the company and its product line. The DMEDI methodology stands for Define (a well-defined charter detailing the project goals) – Measure (design requirements as they relate to the charter) – Explore (multiple solution alternatives before choosing the most promising concept) – Develop (detailed designs of all elements) – Implement.
  • 6 Sigma can be defined as the quest for perfection through the disciplined use of fact-based, data-driven decision making. 6 Sigma is the way the company now takes the collective intelligence and abilities of Cat employees, dealers and suppliers, and channels them to the highest priorities to satisfy all stakeholders. Launched in January of 2001, 6 Sigma uses a set of strategies, statistics and methods to improve the processes Cat uses everyday. This includes everything from designing to manufacturing a product, as well as from marketing products and services to providing business information to our internal and external customers. 6 Sigma touches all areas at Caterpillar, transforming how people work -- and what they work on -- as the company strives for near perfection in every process. To date, 6 Sigma has contributed cost savings, increased operating efficiencies, and quality improvements throughout the company and its product line. The DMEDI methodology stands for Define (a well-defined charter detailing the project goals) – Measure (design requirements as they relate to the charter) – Explore (multiple solution alternatives before choosing the most promising concept) – Develop (detailed designs of all elements) – Implement.
  • 6 Sigma can be defined as the quest for perfection through the disciplined use of fact-based, data-driven decision making. 6 Sigma is the way the company now takes the collective intelligence and abilities of Cat employees, dealers and suppliers, and channels them to the highest priorities to satisfy all stakeholders. Launched in January of 2001, 6 Sigma uses a set of strategies, statistics and methods to improve the processes Cat uses everyday. This includes everything from designing to manufacturing a product, as well as from marketing products and services to providing business information to our internal and external customers. 6 Sigma touches all areas at Caterpillar, transforming how people work -- and what they work on -- as the company strives for near perfection in every process. To date, 6 Sigma has contributed cost savings, increased operating efficiencies, and quality improvements throughout the company and its product line. The DMEDI methodology stands for Define (a well-defined charter detailing the project goals) – Measure (design requirements as they relate to the charter) – Explore (multiple solution alternatives before choosing the most promising concept) – Develop (detailed designs of all elements) – Implement.
  • 6 Sigma can be defined as the quest for perfection through the disciplined use of fact-based, data-driven decision making. 6 Sigma is the way the company now takes the collective intelligence and abilities of Cat employees, dealers and suppliers, and channels them to the highest priorities to satisfy all stakeholders. Launched in January of 2001, 6 Sigma uses a set of strategies, statistics and methods to improve the processes Cat uses everyday. This includes everything from designing to manufacturing a product, as well as from marketing products and services to providing business information to our internal and external customers. 6 Sigma touches all areas at Caterpillar, transforming how people work -- and what they work on -- as the company strives for near perfection in every process. To date, 6 Sigma has contributed cost savings, increased operating efficiencies, and quality improvements throughout the company and its product line. The DMEDI methodology stands for Define (a well-defined charter detailing the project goals) – Measure (design requirements as they relate to the charter) – Explore (multiple solution alternatives before choosing the most promising concept) – Develop (detailed designs of all elements) – Implement.
  • 6 Sigma can be defined as the quest for perfection through the disciplined use of fact-based, data-driven decision making. 6 Sigma is the way the company now takes the collective intelligence and abilities of Cat employees, dealers and suppliers, and channels them to the highest priorities to satisfy all stakeholders. Launched in January of 2001, 6 Sigma uses a set of strategies, statistics and methods to improve the processes Cat uses everyday. This includes everything from designing to manufacturing a product, as well as from marketing products and services to providing business information to our internal and external customers. 6 Sigma touches all areas at Caterpillar, transforming how people work -- and what they work on -- as the company strives for near perfection in every process. To date, 6 Sigma has contributed cost savings, increased operating efficiencies, and quality improvements throughout the company and its product line. The DMEDI methodology stands for Define (a well-defined charter detailing the project goals) – Measure (design requirements as they relate to the charter) – Explore (multiple solution alternatives before choosing the most promising concept) – Develop (detailed designs of all elements) – Implement.
  • 6 Sigma can be defined as the quest for perfection through the disciplined use of fact-based, data-driven decision making. 6 Sigma is the way the company now takes the collective intelligence and abilities of Cat employees, dealers and suppliers, and channels them to the highest priorities to satisfy all stakeholders. Launched in January of 2001, 6 Sigma uses a set of strategies, statistics and methods to improve the processes Cat uses everyday. This includes everything from designing to manufacturing a product, as well as from marketing products and services to providing business information to our internal and external customers. 6 Sigma touches all areas at Caterpillar, transforming how people work -- and what they work on -- as the company strives for near perfection in every process. To date, 6 Sigma has contributed cost savings, increased operating efficiencies, and quality improvements throughout the company and its product line. The DMEDI methodology stands for Define (a well-defined charter detailing the project goals) – Measure (design requirements as they relate to the charter) – Explore (multiple solution alternatives before choosing the most promising concept) – Develop (detailed designs of all elements) – Implement.
  • 6 Sigma can be defined as the quest for perfection through the disciplined use of fact-based, data-driven decision making. 6 Sigma is the way the company now takes the collective intelligence and abilities of Cat employees, dealers and suppliers, and channels them to the highest priorities to satisfy all stakeholders. Launched in January of 2001, 6 Sigma uses a set of strategies, statistics and methods to improve the processes Cat uses everyday. This includes everything from designing to manufacturing a product, as well as from marketing products and services to providing business information to our internal and external customers. 6 Sigma touches all areas at Caterpillar, transforming how people work -- and what they work on -- as the company strives for near perfection in every process. To date, 6 Sigma has contributed cost savings, increased operating efficiencies, and quality improvements throughout the company and its product line. The DMEDI methodology stands for Define (a well-defined charter detailing the project goals) – Measure (design requirements as they relate to the charter) – Explore (multiple solution alternatives before choosing the most promising concept) – Develop (detailed designs of all elements) – Implement.
  • 6 Sigma can be defined as the quest for perfection through the disciplined use of fact-based, data-driven decision making. 6 Sigma is the way the company now takes the collective intelligence and abilities of Cat employees, dealers and suppliers, and channels them to the highest priorities to satisfy all stakeholders. Launched in January of 2001, 6 Sigma uses a set of strategies, statistics and methods to improve the processes Cat uses everyday. This includes everything from designing to manufacturing a product, as well as from marketing products and services to providing business information to our internal and external customers. 6 Sigma touches all areas at Caterpillar, transforming how people work -- and what they work on -- as the company strives for near perfection in every process. To date, 6 Sigma has contributed cost savings, increased operating efficiencies, and quality improvements throughout the company and its product line. The DMEDI methodology stands for Define (a well-defined charter detailing the project goals) – Measure (design requirements as they relate to the charter) – Explore (multiple solution alternatives before choosing the most promising concept) – Develop (detailed designs of all elements) – Implement.