Ces Cambridge Engineering Selector Software As A Service. 5/11/2017 0 Comments. Software and information resources for materials in engineering enterprises and education. JEC World 2017, the largest composites event in the world, will be held at the Paris Nord Villepinte Exhibition Center, near Charles de Gaulle airport outside Paris. The Cambridge Engineering Selector (CES) is a software package that has been produced to help answer these questions. Developed over a number of years by Mike Ashby and David Cebon, the Selector is now being marketed by their company, Granta Design.
Related: Cambridge Material Select - Cambridge Engineering Selector - Cambridge Materials Selector - Material Selector - Ces Material Selector
- License: Freeware
Introducing the Engineering Plastics MaterialSelector Android app from Quadrant. Easily sort and search the broadest portfolio of engineering plastic materials from the global leader in machinable engineering plastic solutions available in rod, sheet, tube, and stock shapes.
This app delivers the most intuitive, useful, and simple to use materialselector tool for advanced plastics, polymers, composites, and thermoplastics. Properties such as temperature ranges, stress, regulatory compliance, chemical environment, structural, and bearing uses are matched to project parameters within seconds of your input.
- Platform: Android 2.x, Android 3.x, Android 4.4, Android 4.x
- Publisher:ACI Mobile
- Date: 07-04-2014
- Size: 2252 KB
- License: Freeware
Use Selector to visualize your color choices for building materials such as paint, stucco, sealant and more, and easily obtain your colored material. CBN Selector comes complete with editing tools that empower users to recolor multiple areas of any digital image, while maintaining photo realism..
- Platform: WinOther
- Publisher:CBN Systems Inc.
- Date: 16-09-2002
- Size: 13750 KB
- License: Shareware
Office Material Management System (OMMS) is a powerful management information system for office material (e.g., printing paper, stationery, calculators, cameras, computers, printers) and inventory.
By analyzing the materials inventory and usage tracking information, will increase the utilization of materials and reduce material waste, will reduce costs and improve enterprise efficiency.
Function Features:
1. Inventory management
2. Material management
3. Material usage trace
- Platform: Windows
- Publisher:SQIANG
- Date: 22-05-2011
- Size: 11308 KB
- License: Shareware
SELECTOR is a configurable, multi-purpose record / value selection form that can be used in your Microsoft Access application to select a record prior to opening a form, or return a value for insertion into a text or combo box.
SELECTOR is one Microsoft Access form that can be configured in different ways to ease your application development process. One form does all of your selection chores!
SELECTOR features Windows Explorer-style column sorting. Just click on the column heading to instantly sort your list.
- Platform: Windows
- Publisher:Peter's Software
- Date: 10-08-2011
- Size: 828 KB
- License: Freeware
Material Science Solutions Manual, Callister, Van Ness. Engagement Rings & Designer Engagement Rings by Ritani. Custom designer engagement rings by Ritani. Find the perfect setting for the perfect diamond..
- Platform: Windows
- Publisher:Material Science Callister
- Date: 18-05-2011
- Size: 31274 KB
- License: Freeware

Stavebny material. Stavebniny, cennik, hydroizolacia, stavebna chemia. www.bomart.sk je rychlo sa rozvíjajúci dodávateľ stavebnej chémie, stavebných hmôt a náradia, ktoré sa vyrábajú v Belgicku, Španielsku a v USA. Prostredníctvom inteligentných riešení a vysoko kvalitných produktov pomáhame našim zákazníkom byť stále úspešnejšími. Spoločnosť sa zameriava na sanáciu železa, sanáciu betónu a betónových konštrukcií, zosilnenie stavených konštrukcií externe lepenými FRP materiálmi, preventívnymi a opravnými hydroizolačnými výrobkami, priemyselnými podlahami.
- Platform: Windows
- Publisher:LC Studio s.r.o.
- Date: 13-06-2011
- Size: 330 KB
- License: Shareware
Area Selector is the interactive flash map, designed to facilitate the conduction of most difficult and strenuous tasks. It saves not only your, but also your customers?, time and energy. Thus you gain more that you could even expect.
Our Area Selector is the extremely useful flash map tool that can help users make a complex geo spatial selection using intuitive graphical interface. One-click approach is what we've been striving for.
Area Selector is also the irreplaceable tool for any size real estate websites, not only for companies working all over the USA.
Ces Selector Software
- Platform: Linux, Mac, Windows
- Publisher:USFlashMap.com
- Date: 01-01-2011
- Size: 49693 KB
- License: Shareware
Parent Selector Column is intended to lookup to self (containing list) in order to display hierarchical data. Main difference with standard SharePoint Lookup is absence of own item (standard SharePoint Lookup contains own item). Users can also use the picker dialog to choose data from large lists. You can easily convert exising standard Lookup column to 'ArtfulBits Parent Selector' column and use data filtering, picker dialog, and other features. Conversion of ArtfulBits Parent Selector to standard Lookup allows editing content in Datasheet view.
- Platform: Windows
- Publisher:ArtfulBits Inc.
- Date: 02-12-2011
- Size: 1537 KB
- License: Freeware
Material mole 2 is similar to many of the motorcycle obstacle course flash games that you will find on which instead of racing on your vehicle you have to move through a variety of different levels with their own unique obstacles until you reach the end. In Material mole 2, you do not have a motorcycle, you are instead on a different kind of vehicle. I cannot really describe the vehicle you actually drive, except that it's yellow and has a trailer. Instead of worrying about keeping balanced and not falling onto your back, you have to get to the end of the treacherous level without dropping any of your cargo.
- Platform: WinOther
- Publisher:ePlaybus.com
- Date: 20-09-2012
- Size: 4403 KB
- License: Freeware
Database Record Selector and Editor (DB-RSE) is a PHP program intended to be a very simplified MySQL database record selector and editor.Having only two files, it is simple to install and setup. Select a table, select a record, edit and save..
- Platform: PHP, Scripts
- Publisher:Keith D Commiskey
- Date: 20-04-2013
- Size: 10 KB

- License: Shareware
Language Selector is a handy and reliable PowerPoint add-in designed to help you set the text in presentations to any language you want.
By doing this, the add-in forces PowerPoint to make use of the correct dictionary during spell check. Keep in mind that this is not a translator, but a helper for language selection.
- Platform: Windows
- Publisher:PPTools
- Date:
- License: Shareware
NXL Selector Guide is a useful application designed to display information about various NXP semiconductors.
With the help of NXL Selector Guide you have the possibility to view details about audio power amplifiers, D / A converters, voltage regulators or micro controllers. The application enables you to analyze data such as voltage range, regulation and noise coefficients, as well as serial interfaces.
- Platform: Windows
- Publisher:NXP Semiconductors
- Date:
- License: Shareware
Super Material is a handy tool that allows you to add extra materials in 3ds max, but also remove missing maps, assign materials to objects and manage material libraries.
With Super Material, you will have more tools at your disposal for your architectural design projects.
- Platform: Windows
- Publisher:3ddragon Studio
- Date:
- License: Shareware
Material Fracture is created as a simple simulation that can test the mechanical properties of metals.
Metallic materials are widely used in engineering designs for structural components. Testing their mechanical properties within microscopic point of view is quite difficult in real life.
In addition, it is quite possible to miss insights of phenomena of molecular level, such as evolution of formed defects and occurrence of microscopic fracture. This module representing the tensile test serves as an appropriate simulation tool for studies of microscopic crystal behavior.
- Platform: WinOther
- Publisher:David A. Kofke, Andrew Schultz
- Date:
- License: Shareware
myColor Selector is a simple and easy to use application that was designed in order to provide you with a means of finding the correct mix of foreground and background colors in real-time onscreen by displaying the appropriate RGB values for use in your projects.
- Platform: WinOther
- Publisher:Richard Winters
- Date:

- License: Freeware
Color Selector is a simple and easy-to-use instrument that lets you find out the RGB and some other important details about a certain color.
It's a great tool for webdesigners and it also has some other interesting features.
- Platform: WinOther
- Publisher:Josiah Reynolds
- Date:
- License: Freeware
The Cambridge Rocketry Toolbox is designed as an Open Source software that can be used for simulating high power rocket flights.
The Cambridge Rocketry Toolbox works in conjunction with Matlab / Octave to produce six-degree-of-freedom simulations of rocket flights, including the parachute descent.
The toolbox can be used to simulate many different types of rocket and many different scenarios. Simulations can also be run stochastically meaning that no two simulated flights are ever the same, just like real flights.
- Platform: WinOther
- Publisher:Simon Box
- Date:
- License: Shareware
Material requirement planning (MRP) is a key element in managing resources in a manufacturing environment. It will help the companies manage dependent demand inventory and schedule replenishment orders. Our MRP spreadsheet template is a very powerful tool for helping the small business planning their productions and schedules their inventory order. It transfers a business plan and bill of materials into a material requirement plan based on the production schedule. Compare with other MRP tool, our MRP spreadsheet is VBA and macros free spreadsheet.
Cambridge Engineering Selector
- Platform: WinOther
- Publisher:pcfirstaidkit.com
- Date:
- Size: 122 KB
- License: Freeware
Selector of DICOM Studies is a Java based server-client software designed to help you access DCM4CHEE Dicom images using WADO. The client has an image viewer that is capable of render 2D, 3D and MPR images from DICOM datasets.
- Platform: WinOther
- Publisher:Turyon Project
- Date:
- Size: 15462 KB
- License: Freeware
The Rea Product Selector App makes it easy to find the right magnet wire for an electric motor, generator or transformer based on application. Product specifications, performance and list pricing results are displayed and made available for immediate follow-up.
The Rea Product Selector App’s built-in magnet wire wizard function uses cascading drop-down lists to display the magnet wire products best suited to the application area selected.
• Select application type, material, wire size, insulation type and spool to get product results
• Direct access to ALL Rea Product Specification Sheets in the Tools section.
Cambridge Engineering Selector Download
- Platform: Android 2.x, Android 3.x, Android 4.4, Android 4.x
- Publisher:Rea Magnet Wire
- Date: 18-06-2014
- Size: 3584 KB