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1301. Corrections in America: An Introduction (Corrections in America : An Introduction), 13th edition: Latessa, Edward J., Ph.D. & Bruce S. Ponder
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1316. Managers and the Legal Environment: Strategies for the 21st Century: Constance E. Bagley
1317. Essentials of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing - A Communication Approach to Evidence-Based Care, 3rd Edition: Elizabeth M. Varcarolis
1318. The Move to Global War- IB History Course Book- Oxford IB Diploma Program: Jo Thomas, Keely Rogers
1319. Fundamentals of Automotive Technology (Cdx Learning Systems), 2nd edition: Kirk VanGelder
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1331. Microeconomics for Today, 9th edition: Irvin B. Tucker
1332. Technical Communication, 11th Edition: Mike Markel
1333. Ethics and World Politics: Duncan Bell
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1335. Western Civilization, 8th edition: Jackson J. Spielvogel
1336. A Practical Guide to Therapeutic Communication for Health Professionals: Julie Hosley
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1342. Microbiology with Diseases by Body System, 5th Edition: Bauman, Robert W., Ph.D.
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1346. Fundamentals of Management, 8th edition: Ricky Griffin
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1348. Cultural Anthropology, 8th Edition: Barbara Miller
1349. Foundations of Finance (Pearson Series in Finance), 9th Edition: Arthur J. Keown & John D. Martin & J. William Petty
1350. Health Psychology: Theory, Research and Practice, 4th Edition: David F. Marks & Michael Murray & Brian Evans & Emee Vida Estacio
1351. Top 100 Health-care Careers: Wischnitzer, Saul.,Wischnitzer, Edith.
1352. Social Psychology, Sixth Canadian Edition: Elliot Aronson & Timothy D. Wilson & Beverley Fehr & Robin M. Akert
1353. Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics: Andy Field
1354. Methods in Field Epidemiology: Pia D. M. MacDonald
1355. Nutrition Through the Life Cycle, 6th Edition: Judith E. Brown
1356. Race and Ethnicity in the United States, 8th Edition: Richard T. Schaefer
1357. History of the American Economy, 12th ed: Gary M. Walton
1359. Introduction to Criminology: Why Do They Do It?, 2nd edition: Pamela J. Schram & Stephen G. Tibbetts
1360. Investments An Introduction, 12th Edition: Herbert B. Mayo
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1363. Examples & Explanations for Securities Regulation, 7th edition: Alan R. Palmiter
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1365. American Stories: A History of the United States, Volume 1 (Brands et al., American Stories: A History of the United States Series, Third Edition): H. W. Brands & T. H. Breen & R. Hal Williams & Ariela J. Gross
1366. Strategic Management of Technological Innovation (Irwin Management), 5th Edition: Melissa Schilling
1367. Milady Standard Cosmetology, 13th Edition: Milady
1368. Introduction to Computing Using Python: An Application Development Focus, 2nd Edition: Ljubomir Perkovic
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1370. Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, 9th Edition: Jay L. Devore
1371. Gender and the Social Construction of Illness, 2nd Edition: Lorber, Judith & Moore, Lisa Jean
1372. The Law-Making Process, 7th Edition: Michael Zander
1373. Understanding the Sociology of Health: An Introduction, 4th Edition: Anne-Marie Barry & Chris Yuill
1374. Advances in Endogenous Money Analysis: Louis-Philippe Rochon & Sergio Rossi
1375. Illustrated Anatomy of the Head and Neck, 5th edition: Margaret J. Fehrenbach & Susan W. Herring
1376. Mathematics for Business, 10th Edition: Stanley A. Salzman & Gary Clendenen
1377. Cinematography: Theory and Practice: Image Making for Cinematographers and Directors, 3rd Edition: Blain Brown
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1379. Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach, 7th edition: James Kurose & Keith Ross
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1382. Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, 11th Edition: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)
1383. Criminology: A Sociological Understanding, 6th Edition: Steve E. Barkan
1384. Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary America, 9th edition: William Yarber & Barbara Sayad
1385. Gower & Davies: Principles of Modern Company Law, 10th Edition: Paul L Davies & Sarah Worthington
1386. Janeway’s Immunobiology, 9th edition: Kenneth Murphy & Casey Weaver
1387. Business Communication Today; 13th Edition: Courtland L. Bovée & John V. Thill
1388. Exploring Psychology, 10th Edition: David G. Myers & C. Nathan DeWall
1389. Principles of Ethics and Corporate Governance in Financial Services: Steven Dellaportas & Steen Thomsen & Martin Conyon
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1391. Theories of Personality, 11th Edition: Duane P. Schultz & Sydney Ellen Schultz
1392. Psychology, Fifth Canadian Edition: Carole Wade & Carol Tavris & Maryanne Garry & Deborah Saucier & Lorin Elias
1393. Biochemistry, 8th Edition: Jeremy M. Berg
1395. Writing Papers in the Biological Sciences, 6th Edition: Victoria E. Mcmillan
1396. ACCOUNTING: UNDERSTANDING AND PRACTICE, 4th edition: Danny Leiwy & Robert Perks
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1397. Manual of IV Therapeutics: Evidence-Based Practice for Infusion Therapy, 6th edition: Phillips, Lynn, Gorski, Lisa
1398. Music for Ear Training, 4th edition: Michael Horvit & Timothy Koozin & Robert Nelson
1400. Human Resource Management in Public Service: Paradoxes, Processes, and Problems, 5th Edition: Evan M. Berman & James S. Bowman & Jonathan P. West & Montgomery R. Van Wart
1401. Women and Men in Management, 4th Edition: Dr. Gary N. Powell
1402. Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being, 12th Global Edition: Michael R. Solomon
1403. Human Geography Places and Regions in Global Context, 7th Edition: Paul L. Knox
1404. Biology, 11th Edition: Peter H Raven & George B Johnson Professor & Kenneth A. Mason Dr. Ph.D. & Jonathan Losos Dr. & Susan Singer
1405. Theatre: The Lively Art, 9th edition: Edwin Wilson, Alvin Goldfarb
1406. What Editors Do: The Art, Craft, and Business of Book Editing (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing): Peter Ginna
1407. Discrete Data Analysis with R: Visualization and Modeling Techniques for Categorical and Count Data (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science): Michael Friendly & David Meyer
1408. On Writing the College Application Essay, 25th Anniversary Edition: The Key to Acceptance at the College of Your Choice: Harry Bauld
1409. Exercise Technique Manual for Resistance Training-3rd Edition: NSCA - National Strength & Conditioning Association
1410. Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning, 4th Edition: G. Gregory Haff
1411. Quality Management for Organizational Excellence: Introduction to Total Quality, 8th Edition: David L. Goetsch & Stanley Davis
1412. Essentials of Human Communication, 9th edition: Joseph A. DeVito
1413. Mechanics of Materials, 10th edition: Russell C. Hibbeler
1414. Objects First with Java: A Practical Introduction Using BlueJ (6th Edition): David J. Barnes & Michael Kolling
1415. Communication for Business and the Professions: Strategie s and Skills, 5th Edition: Judith Dwyer
1416. Ferri's Best Test E-Book: A Practical Guide to Laboratory Medicine and Diagnostic Imaging (Ferri's Medical Solutions), 3rd Edition: Fred F. Ferri
1417. Human Resource Management in Australia, 5th Edition: Robin Kramar, Timothy Bartram, Helen De Cieri, Raymond Noe, John Hollenbeck, Barry Gerhart
1418. Privacy and Data Protection Law in Ireland, 2nd Edition: Denis Kelleher
1419. Understanding Emotions, 3rd Edition: Dacher Keltner

1420. Developmental Biology, Eleventh Edition: Scott F. Gilbert & Michael J. F. Barresi
1421. Sight Singing Complete, 8th Edition: Maureen Carr
1422. Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, 8th Edition: James L. Meriam & L. G. Kraige & J. N. Bolton
1423. Ear Training, Revised 7th Edition: Bruce Benward
1424. Strategic Marketing: Todd Mooradian & Kurt Matzler & Lawrence Ring
1425. Prentice Hall's Federal Taxation 2016 Comprehensive, (29th Edition): Thomas R. Pope & Timothy J. Rupert & Kenneth E. Anderson
1426. Fluids & Electrolytes Made Incredibly Easy! (Incredibly Easy! Series®), 6th Edition: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1427. Environmental SCIENCE: A Global Concern, THIRTEENTH EDITION: William P. Cunningham & Mary Ann Cunningham
1428. Hypertension: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease E-Book, 3rd Edition: George L. Bakris & Matthew Sorrentino
1429. Psychology: An Exploration (3rd Edition): Saundra Ciccarelli
1430. Statistics for Business & Economics, 13th edition: David R. Anderson & Dennis J. Sweeney & Thomas A. Williams & Jeffrey D. Camm & James J. Cochran
1431. Physical Examination of the Spine and Extremities, 1st Edition: Stanley Hoppenfeld
1432. Medical-Surgical Nursing - E-Book: Concepts for Interprofessional Collaborative Care, 9th Edition: Donna D. Ignatavicius & M. Linda Workman & Cherie Rebar
1433. Atlas of Anatomy, 3rd Edition: Anne M. Gilroy & Brian R. MacPherson & Michael Schuenke
1434. Calculate with Confidence, 6th Edition: Deborah Gray Morris & RN & BSN & MA & LNC
1435. Food for Fifty; 14th Edition: Mary Molt
1436. Physical Agents in Rehabilitation - E Book: From Research to Practice, 4th Edition: Michelle H. Cameron
1437. Measurement Of Joint Motion A Guide To Goniometry, 5th edition: Cynthia C Norkin & D. Joyce White
1438. Focus on Nursing Pharmacology, 5th Edition: Karch
1439. Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition: The Hardware Software Interface (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Architecture and Design), 1st Edition: David A. Patterson & John L. Hennessy
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1440. Statistics for Business and Economics, 13th Edition: James T. McClave & P. George Benson & Terry Sincich
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1441. Introduction to Global Health, 2nd Edition: Jacobsen
1442. Investments, 11th Edition: Zvi Bodie
1443. Public Speaking for College and Career, 11th Edition: Hamilton Gregory
1444. Fundamental Accounting Principles, Volume 1 - 15th edition: Kermit Larson
1445. Short Guide to Writing About Psychology (The Short Guide Series), 3rd Edition: Dana S. Dunn
1446. The Psychologist as Detective: An Introduction to Conducting Research in Psychology, Updated 6th Edition: Randolph A. Smith & Stephen F Davis
1447. Pedretti's Occupational Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction, 8th edition: Heidi McHugh Pendleton & Winifred Schultz-Krohn
1448. Introduction to Orthotics: A Clinical Reasoning and Problem-Solving Approach (Introduction to Splinting), 4th Edition: Brenda M. Coppard & Helene Lohman
1449. Macroeconomics, 12th edition: Roger A. Arnold
1450. Macroeconomics: A European Perspective, 3rd Edition: Oliver Blanchard
1451. CONCEPTS OF BIOLOGY, Third Edition: Sylvia S. Made
1452. Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism, 7th Edition: Sareen S. Gropper & Jack L. Smith & Timothy P. Carr
1453. Global Business Today, 10th Edition: Charles W. L. Hill & Tomas M. Hult
1454. Readings for Writers, 2016 MLA Update, 15th Edition: Jo Ray McCuen-Metherell & Anthony C. Winkler
1455. RealTime Physics Active Learning Laboratories Module 4 Light & Optics: David R. Sokoloff
1456. RealTime Physics Active Learning Laboratories Module 3 Electricity & Magnetism: David R. Sokoloff
1457. Criminal Investigation: An Introduction to Principles and Practice: Peter Stelfox
1458. American Journey: A History of the United States, Volume 1, 8th Edition: David Goldfield & Carl Abbott & Virginia DeJohn Anderson & Jo Ann E. Argersinger & Peter H. Argersinger & William M. Barney
1459. Motivational Interviewing, Third Edition: Helping People Change: William R. Miller, Stephen Rollnick
1460. Motivational Interviewing in Nutrition and Fitness (Applications of Motivational Interviewing): Dawn Clifford & Laura Curtis
1461. Microbiology: An Introduction: Twelth Global Edition: Gerard J. Tortora & Berdell R. Funke & Christine L. Case
1462. Discover Biology, Sixth Core Edition: Anu Singh-Cundy & Gary Shin
1463. Sociology, 14th Edition: John J. Macionis
1464. Aspen Student Treatise for Constitutional Law: Principles and Policies (Aspen Student Treatise Series), 5th Edition: Erwin Chemerinsky
1465. Eleventh Hour CISSP®: Study Guide, 3rd Edition: Eric Conrad & Seth Misenar & Joshua Feldman
1466. Chronic Coronary Artery Disease: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease: James de Lemos & Torbjørn Omland
1467. Java SE8 for Programmers (Deitel Developer Series), 3rd Edition: Paul J. Deitel & Harvey Deitel
1468. Emergency Care (EMT), 13th Edition: Daniel Limmer & Michael F. O'Keefe & Harvey Grant & Bob Murray & J. David Bergeron & Edward T. Dickinson
1469. Precalculus, 10th Edition: Ron Larson
1470. Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases, (5th Edition): Jay B. Barney
1471. Strategies for Successful Writing A Rhetoric, Research Guide, Reader, and Handbook, Sixth Canadian Edition: James A. Reinking, Robert von der Osten, Sue Ann Cairns
1472. Macroeconomics: Canada in the Global Environment, 9th Edition: Michael Parkin & Robin Bade
1473. Financial Accounting: A Business Process Approach, 3rd edition: Jane L. Reimers
1474. Clinical Companion for Medical-Surgical Nursing: Concepts For Interprofessional Collaborative Care, 9th Edition: Donna D. Ignatavicius & Chris Winkelman & Nicole M. Heimgartner
1475. Abnormal Psychology and Life: A Dimensional Approach, 2nd Edition: Christopher A. Kearney & Timothy J. Trull
1476. Canadian Human Resource Management, 11th Edition: Hermann F. Schwind
1477. Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice A Practical Guide For Nursing: Lisa Hopp & Leslie Rittenmeyer
1478. Horngren's Accounting, The Financial Chapters (11th Edition): Tracie L. Miller-Nobles
1479. Horngren's Accounting, The Managerial Chapters (11th Edition): Tracie L. Miller-Nobles